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CGD3M Regional Geography – Grade 11 (University/College)

  • Grade 11

PREREQUISITE: Issues in Canadian Geography, Grade 9, Academic or Applied

GRADE: 11 (University/College)

AVAILABILITY: Blyth Academy Online

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUMCanadian and World Studies

Course Overview

CGD3M online explores interrelationships between the land and people in a selected region as well as interconnections between this region and the rest of the world. Students will explore the region’s environmental, socio-economic, and cultural characteristics and will investigate issues related to natural resources, economic development and sustainability, population change, globalization, and quality of life. In CGD3M online, students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including spatial technologies, to investigate a range of geographic issues in the region.

Overview of Geography and Regions

Essential Question: What are the five Themes of Geography and what exemplifies each theme?

In this unit, students will have the opportunity to review the fundamentals of Geography and the interaction of People and their physical environment. Students will also review the five central themes of Geography. Students will learn about regions and how to define them, the difference between a formal & informal region as well as inter-regions.

Landscapes & Water

Essential Question: What are the implications of the dynamic relationship between the physical processes involved and water and the human implications?

In this unit, students will have the opportunity to identify and recognize various physical landforms and waterways and examine the scope of the physical landforms and waterways throughout a region. Students will explore the dynamic relationships between Physical landforms and waterways and human activity and settlement. Students will also identify how Physical landforms and waterways exhibit a regional influence.


Essential Question: What are the characteristics that define a climate region, and where are the predominant climate zones?

In this unit, students will have the opportunity to understand climate classifications and define their characteristics and identify characteristics that influence varying climates across a region. Students will identify resulting land cover and land use as a result of regional climate and interpret data and graphs to identify seasonal climate patterns. Students will apply climate analysis to Australia and its impact on population distribution, vegetation, and habitat.

Natural Resources

Essential Question: Where can we find natural resources, and how does their development impact the population of a region?

In this unit, students will have the opportunity to identify some of the major natural resources abundant in the region and analyze regional concentrations of where the resources are in abundance. Students will explore some of the regional development that has been influenced by natural resource development. Students will discover the diversity of natural resources in Nicaragua ranging from mineral resources to agricultural products.


Essential Question: What dictates economic disparity among regions?

In this unit, students will have the opportunity to will identify the fundamental concepts of regional economic development and analyze international trade, and global trade relationships. Students will examine regional and economic development areas of function and patterns of activity and identify the advantages to attract organizations and people to the region. Students will also explore the economic specialization and strength in Singapore.


Essential Question: What are the regional influences of culture and how are they portrayed throughout society?

In this unit, students will have the opportunity to identify the numerous and various elements of culture and summarize their own culture and how it is influenced. Students will identify the symbolism of culture, and how culture is represented as well as examine the influences of culture from a historical, present, and future perspective. Students will explore the unique culture of Austria and the elements that shape the Austrian culture. Students will also explore the unique regions of Salzburg and explore the representations and influence of one of the World’s most distinct cultural regions.

Population and Demographics

Essential Question: How can data be utilized to identify regional trends and future implications?

In this unit, students will have the opportunity to explore and interpret a variety of demographic features within a region and compare regional demographics. Students will use statistics and data to infer demographic trends and differentiate between population density and distribution. Students will also use graphical methods to display and summarize demographic information.

Population and Demographics

Essential Question: How can data be utilized to identify regional trends and future implications?

In this unit, students will have the opportunity to explore and interpret a variety of demographic features within a region and compare regional demographics. Students will use statistics and data to infer demographic trends and differentiate between population density and distribution. Students will also use graphical methods to display and summarize demographic information.


Essential Question: What are the categories of regional political structures and how do they impact their regional populations?

In this unit, students will have the opportunity to understand the fundamentals of Political Geography. Students will identify the occurrences and impacts of colonialism and imperialism and explore the concept of Supranationalism and identify International Relations. Students will explore the function of Brussels, Belgium as a political capital, and a major global city, and political headquarters.

Please consult our Frequently Asked Questions Page or the Exam section within your course for more details on final exams and the exam fee. More information can also be found in our Student Handbook.

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